About Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic’s philosophy to healing believes that the body naturally is designed to self-heal. The Body is controlled by the brain through the spinal cord and connections of “vast” networks of nerves throughout the body. These nerves interact with each muscle and organ for the body to function as one unit. Chiropractic care has a neuro-musculoskeletal effect on the human body. When the network of nerves and signals is not functioning at it’s greatest capacity then the overall health of performance is lacking due to interruptions or misalignments. Chiropractic adjustments focus on areas of restrictions or misalignment where the body is not optimally moving. With a safe low amplitude force (adjustment) applied to these areas, the restrictions of the body will move more optimally as one healthy unit.

What is an Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a high-velocity low amplitude thrust that is applied to a fixated joint to increase movement. Sometimes, an audible sound such as a “pop” may accompany the adjustment. This sound is due to a release of gasses in the joint. Adjustments should not be painful but may cause soreness for a few days post-adjustment.

History of Chiropractic:

The History of Chiropractic dates back almost 2500 years ago to Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine. He believed that if the spine was misaligned and neglected, it contributed to neglecting the overall health of that individual. He utilized gentle adjustments to misaligned vertebrae to improve the communication between the peripheral and central nervous systems and therefore, improve function throughout the whole body.

Chiropractic and Posture:

Chiropractic focuses on posture. Due to evolution, our postures have changed over time and in the 21st century, we continue to change. This is due to the changes in our everyday lifestyle. A common condition that we hear often is “text neck” where shoulders are rounded forward, the mid back is hunched, the chin protrudes out and down and the head is no longer stacked over the shoulders. This is common due to looking down at workstations, cell phones, and other daily activities where we look down. Exercise and chiropractic adjustments can help with posture. You can further set yourself up for success by optimizing a workstation with the screen at eye height, lifting your cellphone to head height with your arms rather than lowering your head, and taking breaks often to move and stretch!